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Monday 5 April 2010

Video finiished

I've had a laugh with the final video. Our younger son Ben is studying in Denmark this year and he has not been home for Easter (they have different terms to the UK) so its the first time in 21 years than we have been without him.

One of the best laughs we have together when he is home is voting for some of the worst songs in the Eurovision Song Contest and it is one of these that I have used for the soundtrack of the video.

I'm all in favour of taking athletics seriously but I know that the Easter Festival is also a party time and I hope that the final video reflects that mood.

By accident I have chosen a less compressed file format than normal which should give you a better quality film but it is going to take an hour or more to upload. I will be out by then so just use the link to my YouTube channel on the front page if you want to see it before I have embedded onto the home page.

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