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Sunday 18 April 2010


I said that I would probably be working on the website last night subject to my mood after the football. But my non-appearance was nothing to do with football.

We received a phone call from some friends at around 6 o'clock last night. They were holding a dinner party but some of their guests were ill and couldn't come. Would we like to come instead? "Yes please" was our response which meant me getting showered and changed at half time during the football coverage so that we could hit the road for Port St Mary the moment the match ended.

The real substitution should be made by Mr Capello who should leave John Terry out of the England team. People who are so capable but think they can do whatever they like for their £150k a week pay cheques make me cross.

One of today's priorities was to work on the London Marathon media stuff but I am only now about to start it. I was so whacked out this morning I nearly went back to bed rather than going to the race walking but there was a great atmosphere there and so I am that I went.

Like most jobs it is getting started that is the hardest so here goes. London stats here we come.

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