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Monday 5 July 2010


I hate jogging; I would much rather be pushing myself to the limits but sometimes, like when I have trained hard over the weekend, I realise that jogging is my limit.

And jogging brought its rewards this morning. The promenade was at its best, the sea at it bluest and Summerhill Glen its more deserted. On past one of the Island's landmarks I ran, the TT Grandstand, and through Nobles Park, finally back to being the park Mr Noble intended after several weeks of abuse.

Abuse is something that prevails these days when we talk about politics. And yet we have one of the most democratic and open systems of parliament in the world but we take it for granted. Just like we do our countryside and everything else that is so good about the Isle of Man.

It never ceases to amaze me how few people who live here actually celebrate our National Day. Instead many of our residents prefer a day at those great centres of Manx culture - B & Q, and Tesco.

I know which half of my ancestry means most to me.

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