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Wednesday 28 July 2010

Clapped out

Run in a big city road race and the supporters always give you a clap as you pass by. Run in a local race and you'll often not see any supporters but if you do the most you are likely to get is a "keep going" before you get to the finish.

The exception is the Bushy's Great South Run where small groups of people cheer you around the scenic 10km course.

I thought I was in reasonable shape to race last night but I was feeling pretty clapped out by half way and, particularly as this course has been my unlucky one, I was having some negative thoughts. I had run the early stages with Chris Quine and Kevin Vondy and as they disappeared into the distance I relied on the clapping for the runners that were behind me to get a feel for the threat for my 7th position. I knew that someone was fairly close as I passed the Bay Hotel with about 400 metres to go but I hadn't realised that there were 5 within 38 seconds. Number 13 was not so unlucky.

The leaders were too far in the distance so I didn't get the story of the race but I thought the contrasting backgrounds of Ed Gumbley and Lloyd Taggart would be interesting and just 12 seconds kept them apart.

There were a refreshing number of different clubs represented in the top 10 with Manx Harriers (3), Manx Fell Runners (2), Northern AC (2), Manx Tri Club (2) and Belgrave Harriers all listed.

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