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Friday 20 August 2010

Bands are like athletes

I've been reflecting on the incredible concert on Tuesday night (Scouting for Girls) and realised the similarities between athletics and pop concerts.

Think of the budding young athlete. You praise their performance and say "if they stick at they will be will good in a few years time". The parents and even the grand parents come to watch just like the bands playing in the local pubs who think they are going to number 1 (well that shows how old fashioned I am because of course these days they think they are going to win X factor and have tatoos or breast implants).

Think of the veteran athlete. Their wives/boyfriends/girl friends have long since stopped going to watch them but you know that you can rely on a good steady performance because they know their limitations and they don't too many risks. They are like the bands that fill the 02 or MEN arenas - they start their concerts on time, they play much longer than the current stars and they rarely fall shall of the expected standards.

Think of the athlete at their peak. The one that assumes that they are going to go much faster, throw further or jump higher later in their career but never do. Its that magical moment when they are at the peak of the career. They might earn more money later because they earn a reputation but it is all based on their performances in early days and they rarely recreate that excitement. Its a long time since I saw a band that were in that situation. I saw the Eagles in 1977 (just after Joe Walsh joined) and I am still watching them more than 30 years later. I wonder if Scouting for Girls will still be on the scene in 30 years time. Who cares?

I admire anyone who can play a musical instrument as much as anyone who can achieve a personal best at any discipline in athletics. But as I have always said, you never know you are at your peak until you are past it.

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