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Monday 12 October 2009

Boring YouTube

I hope that doesn't fit your description of my 243 films that I have published to date on YouTube!

The heading is intended to reflect the job I have been doing tonight.

I started off watching the film I made last night of the walk at Ronaldsway and thinking how pleased I was that it had moved from the National Sports Centre. For the sake of filming anyway as it gets very hard to find a new background at the NSC.

I then looked at the stats and chilled out for a few minutes watching a couple of the National Cross country where David Griffiths did the filming.

I noticed that the 2008 films were considerably more popular than the 2009 equivalents and realised that I had not got around to one of the most boring tasks associated with publishing these films.

If you were making a blockbuster then it would be very important to give the file a good name, describe the event giving everyone a mention, add tags (the words that people might find the film by if they search) and marking the location on the map.

But I am not making blockbusters. Usually when I get to the publishing the film stage I've got the vegetables boiling for Sunday lunch after doing all sorts of things since getting up in the morning and I'm getting pretty hungry.

Then again, if you want people to find your film by searching, for example, by "National Cross Country" then I suppose these things have to be done.

So tonight I started working my way through from the most recent backwards. But after an hour or so I had only managed 16 of the 60 odd that I have failed to publish properly. It really was boring YouTube and I can't face any more.

Neither can I face changing the front page towards the cross country. But at least you have some new photos from Jackie Moore of the fell race which I rather embarrassingly found in my Junk folder tonight!

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