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Wednesday 7 October 2009

Back to monopoly

I am one of four brothers and sisters and we get on pretty well. We try to share each others joyful moments as well as each other's more difficult times.

In recent months, however, I have communicated less with them than I have for years. There have been two reasons. Firstly, unlike previous years we have been away from home quite a lot and this always disrupts schedules when you prepare for your trip and then catch up again. But secondly, there have been weeks when so much of my spare time has been spent in front of a computer screen, with planning for and publishing things on the website being the biggest monopoliser of time.

So last night my priority was to write a long email to my family. It makes it easier to then catch up by phone at the weekend.

Feeling better that I have started something that I have been planning to do for weeks I now plan to allow the site to monopolise my time again tonight.

There will be a new feature ready for tomorrow morning. It will be slightly smaller than originally planned with part 2 next week.

It took me (I think) more than 20 years to visit the Ramsey Fireman's runs when I took photos and videos in the opening round last year. I've not yet decided when to wait another 20 or whether to visit the northern town tomorrow.

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