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Tuesday 22 November 2011

Behind me?

"That's all behind me now" I wrote a few minutes ago describing the web hosting problems of the past week. So I went to set up my email accounts at the new host and my router was down. More swearing! It been happening at least once a day since we have been on the new super fast broadband and much more often if I connect up all the gear we have. We've already had the router replaced but I have ordered my own - a type which is still not available. It wasn't cheap as it is powerful enough for a SME business but its not good enough at the moment.

There are usually as many people ahead of me as behind when I race these days but I am hoping these technical problems really will be behind me soon.

I'm going to do some more scanning. I welcome the numbness of it this time.

You can contact me on but I do have rather a lot of outstanding emails again.


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