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Saturday 4 July 2009

A year of fell running videos

I won't be covering the Glen Mona Fell Race tomorrow. But before you email me to tell me that I am favour one branch of the sport and don't cover fell running enough (yes, I've had emails in the past), I'll say that there is nothing sinister about the decision tomorrow its purely that I will be in the middle of a number of committments supporting my wife with her involvement around Tynwald.

So I hope to get to some more of the fell races this year and I'll probably take more photos, run some features and do some more videos. Whether I'll do quite as many as I have in the past year I'm not too sure. Here is a review of the past 12 months where I have featured the vast majority of events (the soundtrack has been muted on a couple following the ending of the copyright agreement between Warner Brothers Music and YouTube):

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