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Tuesday 1 January 2013

Half full....or half empty?

After enjoying the company of Ben for the past 10 days, and having visitors in our adjoining property for the past four weeks, we have been enjoying our own company tonight...apart from Alfie the dog.

The glass has been in various states of capacity tonight just as on Christmas Day when Ben captured me through my wine glass.

I have been beavering away today at a few background jobs including more face tagging (Boxing Day photos) but without much to publish.

And in answer to my own question? So far as my athletics career is concerned, 2013 starts with me reaching the dregs at the bottom of the glass. With regard to website publishing,  the glass will need plenty of refills but I'm starting believing that it is more than half full.

Very best wishes to everyone for 2013. It won't all be good for everyone but I hope that we can hide from the real world by enjoying our sport. If you can make a sentence to include  "Isle of Man", "best place to live", "athletics", "fun" and "achievement"  you will know where my thoughts lie.

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