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Sunday 13 January 2013

That was better

I took my camera with me to Glen Lough to take some photos of the junior events in the Microgaming Island Cross Country Championships but when I saw Paul Sheard with his camera I decided to give that part a miss - although all morning it had been the running part that I wanted to give a miss!

I then went to set up a video camera at one of the river crossing only to repeatedly receive an error message from the camera. Oh well, at least it has saved me a hour or two of video editing tonight. I don't suppose it had anything to do with dropping a camera at St Johns on New Years Day. If it is, although I have more than one video camera I shall still be cross with myself.

I remember seeing a flash from Paul's camera on one of the climbs when I wasn't running too badly. In fact I was ahead of Lloyd Taggart as per the photo above. What a shame it was his fifth lap and only my fourth! I've been lapped on the fifth lap before but never on the fourth before. Today Kevin Loundes, Lloyd and Alan Corlett all lapped me on that lap.

It was still a much improved race for me even if I was a bit hasty to pass Andy Fox just before the end of the third lap. Chatting to Andy afterwards I had a couple of laughs. At one point he heard footsteps coming fast behind him and thought I had revived - but it was Kevin coming up to lap the former champ. Later someone told him that he was in 4th position unaware that he had been lapped!

Full marks to Western AC today. It was incredibly muddy but they did a great job with the course. The extra lap around the top field and the shortening of the main lap to remove the cambered section was well received. Unfortunately it does remain a bit riskier than other courses and Mike Garrett and Jason Moore were both injured after falling today.

Another massive field (not the muddy one but the size of the entry). Well done to all organisers and to the many athletes who ran well. I'm glad I ran now; but also glad that I only have one more shoe cleaning session left this winter!

PS Thanks for all the shouts today. As usual I had my eyes closed so couldn't see who they were from!

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