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Thursday 20 October 2011

Where did Wednesday go to?

I'm going to pay for rather a long day and so I have done the things I intended to do in the morning before i go to bed.

One local writer would have been saying "All roads lead from Peel to Douglas on Sunday" so I will vary that to sign that "All disused railway lines lead from Peel to Douglas on Sunday".

If you are going to be part of the bumper entry that is expected on Sunday that is great; if not then today's front page will lead you to the part of that disused railway track where you can help race organisers. There is also a chance to look back to see the track beside Braddan Bridge in 1958. I was lucky that my dad used to take so many photographs (by the standards of those days) but unlucky that I was probably taken in my pram to the open air church service!

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