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Sunday 7 February 2010

Fixture congestion ahoy

I've just spent the second session on the day on the main site.

The second one was just to clear the decks (my least favourite part of publishing the website) where I move features off the front page on to separate pages so that I have space to do something new soon.

This morning I got around to something I had wanted to do for a while which was to stretch the fixture list and links through as far the marathon week.

I hadn't previously grasped what a busy month July is to be and it means that I will be featuring a much smaller percentage of events than at other times of the year.

My busiest week of all on the website is the one after the Parish Walk. After my 27 hour shift at the event itself I spend every spare minute of the following week updating statistics, replying to emails (usually from people who want to know why their picture is not on the site!), and generally rounding off the coverage for the year.

The result is, like the athletes and officials, I am mentally exhausted at the end of the week. The PW is a week later this week which means the week after my coverage finishes I am supporting Marie through all the events on Tynwald Day and either side of it.

In July this year, not only do we have the usual summer handicap series and the Track & Field Championships but for the first time ever there are three fell races in one month.

As always I shall try and juggle my commitments around, and maybe it will be easier if I get injured and curtail my own running, but none of the fell running dates match with my availability as things stand.

Oh well, at least June is the lull before the storm...until the Parish Walk.

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