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Wednesday 17 November 2010


I've had a two hour meeting with Raymond Cox, Parish Walk Race Director, tonight and I am just bursting with enthusiasm for the Parish Walk.

The site goes live two weeks to do and I have just committed to so many things in that time.

And there were so many things I was going to do in the five month "break" whilst not publishing that other site that I have not done.

But there were things that I didn't intend to do. I've really enjoyed compiling the stats on the Hill League series but I have put it to bed now after toasting Simon Skillicorn.

I started the exercise trying to find out how many races he had won and it just developed.

There are lots of good athletes that we take for granted at whatever level they reach. Simon is one of those that has been a fixture during the past 10 years - a very secure fixture.

No matter how many features I compile on the site there is always someone who feels they don't get the recognition they deserve but hopefully the spotlight will continue to fall on lots of people - just not all at once.

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