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Wednesday 10 November 2010


I've got a busy day at work today which will prevent my usual lunch time dabbles on the site and, as the commitments extend to this evening, it is unlikely that I will update the site tonight either. I have a small amount of time in the early evening but I need that for the same family matter that prevented my attendance at the Manx Harriers AGM last night.

Over the years many people have asked me about the best age to run long distance events and I have commented many times that you do not have to be over 40 to run half marathons or to do the Parish Walk. Its only that so many people don't tackle the events when they are at their peak that gives the impression that you need to be old. I have always randomly said that your peak years, depending on how long you have you have been in the sport, should be between 25 and 35.

With this in mind it is quite enlightening to see the ages of the fastest times in the Syd Quirk Half Marathon. Most of the top times were set between these ages. Yes, Lloyd Taggart and Tony Okell are to be admired for the times they set were they were forty somethings, but had they been running in the event 10 years earlier they would have been a lot faster still.

Its the first time that I have tried to add ages to the performances in any of the events that I have built databases for so I will need some help to identify ages. If you can help me I should be grateful.

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