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Sunday 26 April 2009

The moment of truth

I've just had a relaxing 6 am breakfast at the Strand Palace Hotel with Paul Curphey and Mike Garrett. Its less than three hours until the start of my 10th start in the London Marathon. Since running my first in 1995 as a "one off" my whole year has centred around this race.

Its the first of the times that I have started (I have pulled out a few times) that I have not run a long session before Christmas (I was injured between September and December and only averaged 5 miles a week at that time despite running in the cross country), I have been having problems with twinges behind my knees in the past few weeks and I had a cold either side of Easter which is only just clearing my chest.

But otherwise, I am better prepared than for any year since 2005. I ran my best times (both 2.43) in 2001 and 2005 and so I am hoping that my four year cycle will again be successful. I always say, however, that to get a good time you have to gt everything right. You only need to get one thing wrong......

It seems like a long time ago since Mike and I did our long sessions at 7 am on a Saturday and he gave me the funniest moment of the winter when he slid on the ice going down to Port Soderick and went down the hill on his backside.

Mike and I have similar aims but we both think the other one will be faster. I'm on the blue start for the first time since 1996 through my own stupid fault. I should have been on the new red "good for age" section but didn't submit my entry on time believing that I would run sub 2.45 in Amsterdam and qualify for the AAA Championships (I didn't run through injury). So thanks to Bridget and Manx Harriers for allowing me to have one of the club entries.

Last year Paul, Mike and I all crossed the line within seconds of each other although we each ran completely different types of races. Paul is running for the 16th time and although not in great shape after injury can certainly be relied upon.

Mike has arranged to meet that other 16th timer, Richard Radcliffe, outside the Charing Cross Hotel where he stays, to catch the train to Blackheath. Richard's niece Nicky Boyde will presumably be with him.

The truth will revealed later. Hopefully I shall have tales of some of the other Manxies.

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