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Monday, 8 August 2011

Emerging stats

I've spent more than a few hours over the weekend on my "face tagging project".

Picasa tells me that I have a total of 93,430 photos on my computer and there are 147,663 unidentified faces. And that is not the whole story because on lots of photos (particularly the older scanned ones) the faces are not highlighted and have to be added manually.

The database of people within the photos has increased to 672 which means that more and more people start to be recognised from each collection of photos.

Outside of my family, Michael George has been identified most - I can currently locate 443 photos with his face!

The face tagging will not be published - the object is to build a resource so that I can quickly find photos of a particular person. Hopefully I'll also be contributing to history (and for my friends at the museum, yes I will give you a copy when its finished!).

How long will it take to finish. That's one stat I don't have to hand.

1 comment:

David Griffiths said...

How many of the 443 photos of Michael George is he throwing up in?