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Monday 29 August 2011

My views don't change

It doesn't matter which way I approach our favourite sights in Cornwall they look just as good.

There have been a number of controversies in the world championship and I've seen nothing to change my mind about what I think of the rules.

On one of them, false starts, I won't give away my view as I am going to put a poll on the website and I don't want to influence the result of that.

On another rule, I would love to know how the eyes of the race walking judges could see that the early leader of the 20km was not maintaining contact with the ground but they could not see that the rest of the field were also breaking contact.

The rules of race walking should be much more objective. Either technology is used to determine whether or not walkers are "lifting", or it is accepted that they are (coaches encourage walkers to minimise the airbourne phase) and change the rule so that the straightening of the leg is the only difference between running and walking.

Nobody who tells me that one walker deserved to be disqualified more than any other in the world championships with the current rules will persuade me. If the mist came down on the Cornish coast it wouldn't change what was behind it. Disqualifying some of the walkers will not change the subjectivity of the race walking rules.

I know that the scenery will still be there behind the mist and I know that what is happening behind the rules of race walking will still be there behind the selective yellow and red cards - a rule that is totally inconsistent and lacks credibility.

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