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Monday 1 August 2011

UK trials

I don't get a chance to feature many of the off Island events. Although I am always proud to read about any successes by Manx athletes off the Island I usually rely on the reports elsewhere, and frankly there is no point in publishing the same report on several websites.

But I had a bit more time that normal to indulge on TV sport this weekend and I watched most of the UK trials and had a curiosity to find out how the Manx athletes had got on. I was delighted to find out that Harriet Pryke had set another Manx record. I started a feature first thing this morning and eventually got the links to the results of the three Manx athletes I could find published at lunchtime.

The event, which used to incorporate the AAA Championships is a great favourite of mine and I went to watch three times in the early 90s and three times again 2002 to 2004.

I thought I would look through my photos to see if there were athletes still competing. Almost - Philips Idowu was in the triple jump not the crowd in 2002!

The photo that captured by eye was this one showing that anyone who broke a British record won the keys to a Rover Car. A what?

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