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Thursday 20 May 2010

Flogging instead of blogging

I was about to spend the evening in front of the computer when I remembered that it was the East Douglas election meeting last night.

The Legion Hall was certainly a hostile place for existing politicians. Present and past politicians did not get any credit for the 26 years (or whatever it is) of unbroken economic growth that has taken us from having only a fraction of UK gross national product per head to well in excess of the UK level, but they certainly got the blame for anything that was wrong. I thought that public flogging would be advocated after the first half hour!

It was certainly an interesting meeting but if I was casting my vote in that constituency (I'm not, I'm just keen on politics) I would vote for the only candidate who made a clear statement about the risk of economic meltdown. Its ok talking about all the things we would like to do but our children and grandchildren won't have a future on the Isle of Man unless we tackle the massive shortfall in public sector pension provisions.

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