Search Murray's blogs

Tuesday 9 March 2010


Sorry guys. I intended to do some work on the website tonight but I had to make a start on all the paperwork that has been building up at my "home office". Didn't even get near to the emails.

My brain is suffering through overuse and lack of sleep so I am not starting anything at this time. I only have one other evening at home this week (tomorrow) before taking Robbie to the Ramsey Fireman's and going to the Young Farmer's Concert on Friday.

Long before the days of text speak I remember someone coming up with O I C U R MT (Oh, I see you are empty). The MT refers to by brain and certainly not to Porto's net (I seemed to be turning around every five minutes to see another goal from Arsenal).

If you are fed up with looking at the same stuff on the website you can always add some of interest to the forum.

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