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Friday 29 May 2009

Gianni's groan

Continuing the re-living of the 1991 Aland Games, Andy Fox sent me this little story:

At Aland we were having long psych up sessions in our rooms ie. lying on beds being lazy discussing tactics, football or whatever but conserving energy. G came into the room and Chris started up a David Coleman type commentary saying how "Gianni was on Guegan's shouldder, their going head to head just where is the speed coming from" etc. G was really getting into this and quick as a flash Chris said "and whose this, it's Quine, yes quine is steaming past, yes he's done it he's taken the gold." G went from elation to depression in the room and of course we all had a laugh. But a day or so later we all wondered if Chris had crystal ball. It might explain part of the groan in the finishing straight as well!!!!

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