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Sunday 18 January 2009

You will always find an athlete at a Manx party

It was great to read of the success of Darren Gray and Gail Griffiths today and hopefully the other Manx athletes also did well. By the time I picked up on the news, the results had already been highlghted by Paul Jackson at so there is no point in us duplicating the coverage although I've moved Gail's picture back to the top of the front page.

Last night I went to a wonderful party at the Claremont Hotel to celebrate my cousin Michael Crowe's 60th birthday. As always you meet people that you are not expecting to see and I hadn't realised that one of our most successful sportswomen of all time from the Isle of Man, Marie Noon (pictured above), had married David Morgan (business partner of Michael in Crowe Morgan) last September.

Marie was a great athlete before and after her cycling career and ran in the Half Marathon in the 2001 Island Games. She says that she is not very fit at the moment but is still running a couple of times a week.

It used to be that my relations complained about my photography but I think that they have now realised that they like to have the memories afterwards. So instead of being banned with my cameras, I was actually asked to take some photos.

So my spare time today (after a late night) has been directed towards fotopic galleries and YouTube videos. Nothing different there then except that they are private and not shared with the world.

I've always aspired to write at a level of another athletics commentator so I must say that I was pleased that Chelsea won yesterday but disappointed that Stoke lost!

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