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Monday 26 January 2009

Slipping, sliding and uploading

I planned another long run with Mike Garrett starting from the far end of the pier at 7.15 am on Saturday morning and the weather appeared to be perfect - until we reached the promenade! We started to slip and slide and within the first mile we realised that our planned pace for 22 miles was out of the question and we set off on a hotch potch of a course to make up the distance - Garmins allow you to be so versatile.

Mike has long had the reputation, certainly in our training group, of being the unluckiest runner around and Saturday reinforced that verdict. Four times he went over on the ice - the best one being a 20 yard slide on his backside down towards Port Soderick beach.

What an eventful run it was though with a diversion around what turned out to be a fatal round accident in Onchan and a fantastic view from the Marine Drive of the new Royal Navy Destroyer.

If I had trained at my traditional time for a Saturday, in the afternoon, the conditions would have been absolutely perfect and when I set off to film the Greeba Fell Race I was still expecting firm conditions underfoot.

I was covered in mud as I ventured into places that I can't ever remember visiting before in the Isle of Man. Thanks to Tom Cringle for advising me where to go but apologies if you thought that Tom had won the race but as I didn't know and the results had not been published I could only say "Tom Cringle was leading".

Great fightback by Simon Skillicorn and the biggest smile ever from a winner on camera from Sarah Curphey.

I don't think I have ever produced a video in less time than planned and although I was pleased with the outcome the uploading on Saturday night was frustrating as twice it stopped and I had to start again.

At least I got on finished on the intended day unlike this blog and so many other things I intended to do. My intention of getting more sleep as I am doing more training has also been missed.

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