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Wednesday 15 October 2008

I don't remember Arnie's 18th birthday

Arnie Jacobs, who celebrated his 70th birthday yesterday, is one of life's nice guys. There is hardly an event on the roads on the Island at which he is not helping with and he has time to encourage everyone every day. And he still runs a bit too!

My birthday was also yesterday which meant that I was born on Arnie's 18th. I went for an Indian meal with Marie last night but I did spend some time on the website when I got in and some more about an hour ago.

There are so many good photos I could use from the cross country but it is almost time to move on again. Maybe a couple more tonight.

There is so much to look forward to in the next few days although I won't be on the Island to cover the Hill Race. More about that another time.

I got he OK to run the story about Eammon Harkin's illness yesterday. Most people were unaware of the problems he had been having and he preferred to keep it that way. Now that his quality of life is set to improve it should help by spreading the word rather than him telling everyone individually. He sent a text to the office where I work (where he has only been a non-executive director) an hour before he went under the knife with his target time for the Parish Walk next year - he is going to have to live up to it!

Eammon is the only person to have recruited me twice in my career. The first time it took him four years to get away from me; the second time only four months!

1 comment:

David Griffiths said...

Yesterday was also my niece's 30th birthday - and 30 years ago today at the age of 15 I had my one and only attempt at running a marathon! I covered 17 miles in 1 hour 51 before predictably blowing up big style. Derek Harrison made his marathon debut that day, winning in 2 hours 48. I wasn't all that far behind him when I stopped. Memories, memories!