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Saturday 6 October 2012

Lambie remembers

Robbie Lambie has just reminded me that it is 30 years tomorrow since we raced in the 30km walk in the Commonwealth Games in Australia. Just watched the video below for the first time for a while in which Steve Barry takes gold for Wales. It still bugs me that it was reported that "England's other competitors Roger Mills and Paul Blagg finished 7th and 13th." Steve was not English and why did the Isle of Man's entrants not get a mention? I was 8th. Only just remembered  that I added all my photos (taken by my mother) are added to the end of the film.

Graham Young, Murray Lambden & Robbie Lambie seeing the sights of the Gold Coast in 1982. We obviously didn't take much kit with us for three weeks as we have racing shoes and shorts on!


David Griffiths said...

Lambie may well be able to remember back to 1982, but I bet he can't remember the last time he bought a round!

Murray Lambden said...

I am sure he went to the bar in 1976 - oh no that was just to collect a drink that someone else bought for him!