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Wednesday 2 June 2010

It doesn't get much worse than this

After feeling so good about things this morning I can't believe how bad the day has become.

I learnt about the Cumbrian shootings at lunchtime and although I checked the news throughout the afternoon it was only in the car driving home listening to the Radio 4 coverage that the scale hit me, especially when I heard the update that 12 people had been killed (they had said "at least 5" for a long time before that).

There will surely be thousands of people whose lives will never be the same. From the injured, to the relatives of the dead, to the witnesses, to the professionals who had to deal with the events and the people they will surely be deeply traumatised.

In the (almost) ten years that I have been publishing the website there have been all too many days like this when you wonder where sport fits it. When the terrorists struck on 11 September 2001 (I hate the Americanised 9/11) and on at least one other occasion I have cleared the front page and left it blank as a tribute.

But the sad thing is, unless we are closely connected to someone who is involved in such tragedy we very soon get back to our own lives and I am not sure whether we achieve anything by stopping too long.

If I offend anyone by carrying on as normal and trying to enjoy the quality of our lives here then I apologise but I think we always have to make the most of each day.

I have just stopped to reflect again and become emotional again but I'm not helping anyone.

1, 2, 3 back to the homepage.

1 comment:

David Griffiths said...

I can certainly relate to that Murray. As a regular visitor to Cumbria and the Lake District I know nearly all the locations involved in the horrific events today. Boot is one of my favourite places anywhere and I have spent several brilliant days and nights there. Nobody will ever make sense of things like this.