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Monday 5 August 2013

Almost perfect

In 2012, Michael George received a standing ovation at the Manx Telecom Parish Walk prize presentation. He didn't get it all right but the skill, application and work rate that took him so close to victory produced its deserved recognition.

The skill, application and work rate of the the organisers of the Tower Insurance 100 Miles, with Steve Taylor setting the pace, was equally impressive. It was a shame the shine was taken off by the unavailability of times during the middle stages of the event.

But when the helpers started to polish the event up again they revealed an even bigger shine to the event. And it wasn't just surface deep. Every half mile record had been retained to make it the best recorded 100 miles there has been. The recording by statistics, thousands of photos and videos reveal the true story of the 24 hours, if not the months of planning..

Neither organisation or athlete will ever be perfect. But just like Michael George will be remembered for the length of the time in the lead without winning, the organisrs of the Tower Insurance 100 miles will also be remembered for long periods in the lead. .

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