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Monday 15 July 2013


Any pretence that we are doing anything cultural in Yorkshire this week was blown away when lunch in a Weatherspoons in Scarborough followed a Lidl takeaway yesterday.

Ben added some classy photos of the butterflies in the grounds of Scarborough Castle to some some that I am told have to stay in the password protected files - not that I would say anything about what Marie looks like when paddling in the sea. The other photo is of his emergence from the pub.

This was probably the day I appreciated being healthy more than any other. The average person at the Yorkshire seaside town made me feel rather fit.

But thinking about the really fit athletes among the 80,000 Manx residents (let's face it there are quite a few less healthy people at home too), I've added a link to the performances of each of the Island Games athletes. Fingers crossed for all in Bermuda,

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