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Saturday 13 April 2013

Under the radar

I've had a bit of sleep deprivation over the past couple of nights. I was up early yesterday morning as I wanted to run before taking Marie for an early morning plane. Last night it was late by the time I finished the video of the Ramsey Park runs and I was up before 5.30 to run, walk Marie's dog and get to the cottage to start the cleaning by 8.30.

I say dog because unlike that damn puppy mentioned in that never changing advert on Manx Radio, Marie's puppy has grown up. Not that I should be knocking Manx Radio tonight of all nights, as with Marie away and just a puppy, I mean, dog in the house I have Mike Reynold's show blasting out. Great stuff.

But I am only standing now because I ended up crashing out when I got back from the cottage this afternoon. So it's only been in the last couple of hours that I came out from under the radar and got up to speed on the computer.

Even then it was not very exciting. Have just been doing more face tagging of photos. I have covered so many events recently that the number of untagged faces is creeping up towards 200,000.

I've removed a couple of things from the front page and added a two of Stan's photos.

Its the first of two weekends when Marie and I are going our separate ways. I'm not very often allowed to take photos of her when we are out walking but, as she is away, she won't know if I publish one of my favourites when we followed a right of way through a cornfield in Shropshire last summer.

Hopefully something else that will slip under the radar.

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