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Sunday 18 December 2011

Catching up day

I knew that I would not have enough time to film all of the runners in the Winter Hill League race yesterday as I needed to be at the airport by 2.20 pm to collect Ben. Marie had been going to go but she was feeling rotten with a cold so it was lucky for me, but not for the passengers, that easyJet's flight from Liverpool was an hour late.

One thing that was apparent at Ronaldsway Airport is that, despite the massive investment in facilities, the airport cannot cope with the arrival of a single Airbus A319 (or whatever it is that easyJet operate to the Isle of Man). The pick up lane was blocked to the point where you could not get into the car park and when I did park up the arrival hall was full. Had a chance to update Andy Fox, who was also meeting the plane, on the results of the hill race.

So although I got the photos uploaded yesterday with family time (and a football match that I wished I had not watched) it was late in the evening before I finished off the video.

By the way, I have just noticed that the audio from my previous video (Winter League Walk) has new music. One of the audio tracks I used was not allowed (Warner Music Group) and so the audio was initially disabled. The strange thing was that when I elected to replace it with one of YouTube royalty free offers I was warned that it would take some time to replace but in the meantime the original audio is enabled again.

My computer is in a mess now and I need to do some tidying up.

But the main catch up of the day is our ages. Its Marie's birthday today.

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