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Sunday 22 November 2009

Time trial

For the past 18 months, other than when I have been injured (which is actually a big chunk of it!) I have been training in the morning. When I am not training, I struggle to answer my own question of how I fit it in as the time seems to go just as quickly without training.

Yesterday morning I planned another "longest run since the London Marathon" of around 19 miles. I had to be in Port Soderick by 10 am and needed to shower, change and get breakfast before driving there. So I had to be on the road by 7. I made it by 6.49 and got to the cottage in time. Actually, this plan really paid off given the bad weather later in the day.

Today I only planned a half hour jog but I lost count of the number of times that I rescheduled it. The deadline turned into 1 pm when I was due to deliver lunch.

And it was the same with the website. A quick refresh and a couple of pictures to publicise the Millennium Way Relay was all I planned and I didn't even plan to watch any sport on TV. But instead of doing the website this morning, it was 7 pm before I started.

I then got deeply into the MWR feature and spent most of the evening online. It was a time when some of those other evenings spent organising files paid off, however, and I found some files that I had forgotten about.

A lot of thinking time in the past couple of weeks has gone into the launch of the website on 1 December, and a few letters, emails and phone calls too. I had a long chat with Ray Cox, for example, this afternoon. But because the deadline is still 9 days away, other committments have been given a higher priority.

I had at least three other stories to tell but they have been found guilty at the time trial.

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