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Tuesday 17 January 2012

Skill loss

I'm keen to get back to scanning in my old scrapbooks but I have set myself the target of clearing out more personal stuff first. All my school reports were victims of the shredding bag this week but only after I had scanned a copy.

Marie never believes me when I tell her that, as well as taking part in country sports, I used to enter handwriting competitions in the local summer fairs and won some useful prize money. As further evidence of my skill, my final report at Michael School, in the English sub category of handwriting,  recorded an "Excellent". It wasn't long after that it went downhill to the point where I can barely communicate in handwriting.

One skill I had learnt since then was to sit in front of the TV on a Sunday afternoon with a cup of tea in my hand and fall asleep balancing the tea. Alas, I failed in my latest version of this when on Sunday I rewarded myself for finishing the website update with a read of the Sunday Times only to water it down when my head went down throwing my cup of tea all over the papers.

Before I started the scanning last night I worked on the site to produce the preview of local fixtures. That was not really planned but one thing lead to another. That's when the website is fun. I've got four more names to go on the London Marathon list. That becomes less fun when the compilation is to spread out.

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