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Thursday 12 February 2009

The good, the bad and the maybe about being on the Isle of Man

We've been out to see Les Miserables tonight. I am not very "arty" but I though the show was fantastic. Proud to be (almost) Manx.

What a difference with the performance of the House of Keys, or one member anyway, this week. Makes me ashamed.

I've had some sympathy with people not being able to see the forum in the past couple of weeks but it brought it home to me more tonight when I couldn't get on myself. There is nothing on the internet about anyone having problems with Bravenet sites so I am inclined to think (at the moment) that it is a local internet service provider that is blocking the site for some reason.

On the occasionthat my mind drifted tonight I was thinking that my tenner was safe on the competition to name the walker, the year and the event in the old walking photo. I was amazed to get home and find that Robbie Lambie got the answer right - Marie thinks that knowing Robbie's resourcefulness he probably phoned Martin up!

Last word tonight for my darling wife - as we made our way up "the gods" in the Gaiety tonight she said "we're really up in the old part here aren't we?" The Victorians were obviously clever people building the tops of buildings before the ground level!

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