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Tuesday 11 January 2011

Letters to the paper

I seem to have been here before - I'm within a few minutes of the time last night when I was uploading video of the Lancashire Cross Country. Number 2 is on its way now.

I would have been sooner only my favourite uncle called to see us just when I was about to start. Its fairly safe to say that he is my favourite as I only have I but he is a great guy and everything stops when he calls.

"Did you see my letter in the paper?" was one of his questions. Despite being an avid newspaper reader I had missed it and quickly went to retrieve the Examiner from the recycling bin where I had put it just a few minutes earlier. My embarrassment increased when I discovered that it had been published on the reverse side of something I had cut out.

Eventually I was able to read his views on wind powered energy - or at least where the windmills may be sited.

I also discovered that he had been watching the new year's day fell race and, although he did not confirm it, I suspect I know where that anonymous donation came from.

The video is 70% uploaded now.

Kenyon Crowe, (right) our visitor tonight with brother John and sister Gwelda (the writer's mum) in the last photo taken together in 2002.

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