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Thursday 22 May 2014

Not really coasting

Our family are rather immobile at the moment. Robbie is still recovering from a road accident, Marie has a reaction to medication causing her a good deal of discomfort and she can only walk very slowly and I still have sore ribs after colliding with a gate whilst running nearly four weeks ago.

We are still enjoying the best that the Isle of Man has to offer and are putting the final touches to some great travel this year.

The photo above was from our stroll around Douglas Head last night and the ones below on Saturday and Monday..

Website publishing has consumed as many hours as ever through the winter but like the Manx coastline in the photos it evolves over time.

For a few years I was publishing a new feature each month through the winter about one of the characters of the event on the website. This has diminished and new features have been suspended this year. I make no apology for this as during the five months that I would have in the past taken time to compile these I have completed five projects that will assist my websites for years to come, and organise our house much better!

My entire collection of Race Walking records were scanned and disposed; I updated most of my event databases and republished them on a single page on; I have scanned selected parts of my late 70s and early 80s Athletics Weeklies and disposed of these and researched the history of the Isle of Man Marathon building a database in the process and added the regular use of Facebook to the publishing of

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