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Wednesday 4 December 2013

Using past for future

How much should we dwell in the past? That's a question I often ask myself. Especially last night when I indulged with others of my vintage on Facebook recalling all the concerts we attended, and the under age drinking we did, in our youth around Douglas.

The easiest thing to have done this year with the website would have been to have just done everything like it had been done before. But we can't just live in the past. If we just repeat everything we did the year before they will eventually become less interesting and not as good. As athletes, it would be soul destroying to do everything exactly as the year before. If we attended the same pub or went to the same concert every night after a while they would cease to stimulate.

So I looked critically at every page of the Parish Walk site and didn't reproduce it if I thought there was a chance to improve it. In some cases I did settle for what was there before but I put myself under a lot of pressure to make improvements, again just as an athlete does when trying to improve.

Getting the Manx Telecom Parish Walk, or any other event, talked about is a good part of making it successful. I believe we are doing it this year as evidenced by the high number of early entrants - 94 in the first three days.

The pressure to complete the website left little time for this blog but hopefully I played my part in using the past to make things better in the future.

I have a critic on Facebook who thinks we should spend our future wealth on living in the past. Its got to be the other way. Enjoy the past but look forward to the future.

Easier said than done of course. When running this morning my back gave me a reminder of what I had done to it in the past and suggested there is not much future!

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